Hello friends, in this article we will give you information about 'how to connect lan cable to laptop'. If you have a router and you want to share the internet with your laptop, then you have come to the right place. In this article we will tell you how to connect lan cable to laptop. Will give complete information about connecting the cable to the laptop because sometimes even after connecting the cable, it is not able to connect properly and does not access the internet.
how to connect lan cable to laptop
To connect to laptop through LAN cable, you must have a good LAN cable, which you can take as long or as short as you wish.
Step 1
First of all, you have to connect one side of the LAN cable to the pods behind your WiFi router and the other side to the pods of your laptop.
Step 2
For example, if you connect wifi and router through LAN cable, then in some case it gets connected, but in some case, after connecting, you are not able to access the internet, for that you have to click on the Network icon and then the option of network internet setting. You will get it, you have to click on it.
Step 3
After that you will get the option of wifi, on clicking it you will get the option of change adapter, click on it. By doing this you will get two options, one internet and the other wifi, in which the internet option will be disabled, you will have to enable it, as soon as you enable it, it will be connected.
In this way you can connect your LAN cable to the laptop. We hope that you liked this information. For more similar information, you can follow us. Thank you.